Mold Carpet Treatment – How to Prevent Mold From Invading Your Carpet

mold carpet treatment

Mold can be hazardous to your health, especially if you have respiratory conditions like asthma or compromised immune systems. When a mold infestation invades carpet, it is important to treat it quickly before it spreads.

Thoroughly saturate the affected area and a 12 inch border of carpet on each side with an anti-fungal spray that specifically says safe for carpet or has a “mold barrier” label on it.

Remove the Moisture

The first step in any mold carpet treatment is to remove the moisture. This can be done with a commercial dehumidifier or by opening up the windows in the affected room and running a fan to reduce the humidity.

This is important because mold spores thrive in damp areas and can cause significant damage to the surrounding structures in the home, including the wood framing. Getting the mold under control before it spreads too far is the best way to prevent expensive repairs or even replacement of the entire carpet.

If the mold has already started to spread, there are products available that can kill it and even stop future growth. These are often called “encapsulates” or “mold barriers.” They typically work by coating the surface of the carpet with a chemical that discourages mold from settling there in the future. However, it is always a good idea to test these products in an inconspicuous area before using them on the whole carpet.

Clean the Area

You’ve worked hard to make your home the perfect place for your family. Keeping it clean is a top priority, and you are careful not to leave anything that might lead to a problem in the future. This includes avoiding carpet mold.

If you see a small area of mold on your carpet, you should be able to treat it with a few simple steps. First, open a window and air out the area. A face mask and rubber gloves will help protect you from breathing the mildew spores.

Use a anti-fungal spray on the area, and scrub the carpet, matting, and floor underneath it until you can’t see or feel any more mold. Resist the temptation to use a fan to accelerate drying, as this can blow the spores to other parts of your home. After scrubbing, blot the area dry with a clean, disposable cloth until it is completely dry. This is the most important step in preventing future growth of the mold and mildew on your carpet.

Remove the Spores

Mold spores are naturally occurring and can travel through the air to find a welcoming environment. When they find their way into your carpet, they may be attracted to the dark and damp conditions, resulting in mold growth. Symptoms may include discoloration, odor and allergy-like reactions.

Mold is easy to get rid of on hard surfaces, but it can be difficult to remove from soft materials like carpets. This is because scrubbing the carpet with a cleaning solution will likely not kill the mold and can only help to temporarily clean the surface.

To permanently get rid of the mold, you will need to remove the spores from the carpet. This is best done with a dehumidifier and an anti-fungal treatment. Apply the solution to the affected area of the carpet, then use a sponge or clean paper towels to blot. Continue blotting until the affected area is dry. Once the area is completely dry, it is safe to vacuum and re-apply the anti-fungal treatment.

Remove the Odor

Often, moldy smells are trapped beneath the surface of your carpet. These musty odors can be difficult to get rid of, even after you have removed the spores and cleaned the area.

Try adding five parts water to one part hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle, and lightly mist the affected area of your carpet. If your carpet isn’t tacked down, you can lift it up to apply the solution to the back as well. Leave the solution to sit for a few hours.

You can also use foam carpet shampoo products that contain chlorine dioxide, which can kill mold spores and neutralize musty odors. However, it is important to note that these products can discolor your carpet, so test a small section of the carpet first.

To prevent future mold spore growth and musty odors in your home, regularly use a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels low. This will help to prevent moisture accumulation, which is the key to mold growth.

from Mould Removal Newcastle Experts


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