How to Clean Mold Off Carpet

cleaning mould off carpet

Mold and mildew thrive in warm, damp environments. The first step in preventing their spread is to dry any affected areas thoroughly.

This is especially important for carpet, as moisture can encourage new growth. Try using a dehumidifier or fans to help the drying process. Next, consider using an anti-fungal solution to kill existing mold spores.


Aside from being a staple in almost every kitchen, white vinegar is also an effective and natural solution for removing mold. It disinfects and kills the bacteria that create mold spores, leaving behind a fresh and clean surface.

It’s best to leave the vinegar on the area overnight to allow it to really work its magic. Vacuum the next day and let the area dry to prevent regrowth. If you’re worried about the smell, try adding some essential oils to mask it.

Remember to wear a facemask, rubber gloves and eye protection when working with vinegar or any other harsh chemicals. Breathing in mold spores or the products used to remove them isn’t good for you and may cause health issues. This will keep your skin safe from irritants and ensure that your body isn’t being exposed to unnecessary toxins. You should also make sure that you’re able to open windows and doors and have the area well ventilated when using these methods.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a popular choice for cleaning mildew and mold off carpets, as it naturally contains fungicidal properties. It also neutralizes odors and absorbs dirt, which makes it an ideal alternative to chemical cleaners.

Start by removing furniture and vacuuming the area. Next, apply a thick layer of baking soda to the affected area. For best results, let the powder sit overnight to allow it time to soak up odors and mildew. If desired, a fresh scent like cedar can be added to the baking soda before applying it.

Once the baking soda has soaked up all the odor and mildew, remove it by running a brush or shop vac over the area. It’s a good idea to use a dehumidifier and increase ventilation while the area is drying to prevent future spores from growing. It’s also a good idea to use a natural deodorizer in areas where mold has been removed to keep the area smelling fresh.

Hydrogen Peroxide

One of the most common ways to clean mould off carpet is by using hydrogen peroxide. This household product is a natural antifungal and is found in most first aid kits. It is also safe for use on non-porous surfaces such as wood and ceramic tile. However, it can bleach certain types of fabrics, so be sure to test the solution in an inconspicuous area before using it on your carpet.

Tea tree oil is another effective mold killer. Its strong odor is unpleasant, but it works well against stubborn and difficult-to-remove mold stains. It can be mixed with vinegar or other cleaning solutions, or added to a vacuum cleaner for an all-over carpet treatment.

While standard bleach is an effective cleaning agent, it can produce toxic fumes that can damage your respiratory system. Additionally, it is unable to kill the mycotoxins present in some varieties of mold. This makes it important to take the time to find a safer and more effective solution.

Tea Tree Oil

A few drops of tea tree oil added to a spray bottle with water and distilled vinegar can make for an effective antifungal cleaner that works as a mold killer. Just make sure the bottle is dark, as light can break down the strength of the oil.

You should be able to get a few bottles of this home remedy solution at most natural food stores. This will be much cheaper than buying a commercial mold remover that will not be as effective.

The first sign of mold is usually a musty odor in a room or carpet. Untreated dampness can lead to a range of health issues, including rashes, respiratory problems and allergies.

If you notice any of these warning signs, you should act quickly to prevent the growth of mold in your house. If the problem has already spread, you should seek professional assistance. They can help you remove the mold and also treat the surrounding area to stop it growing back again.

from Mould Removal Newcastle Experts


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